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My Top 3 Favorite Holiday Book Giveaways!


One of my favorite parts of the winter season is trying out the seasonal flavors at the coffee shops. Right now I'm loving this white maple breve from The Human Bean. There's something magical about sipping a warm drink and exploring a new world through books which make every winter special. The different flavors of coffee and syrups become a part of the literary adventure. Memories of taste and emotion as you're cuddled on the couch, covered in blankets and a rice pack as the snow blows outside. Yes, this is the season to slow down and let your imagination take the wheel. The best part is I have tons of book sales and giveaway opportunities so you can find your next favorite book at half the price or free! Make sure to check the dates and purchase your book as soon as one catches your eye because these holiday sales won't last long!

Do you love magic? Are you a fan of witchcraft, black cats, and supernatural abilities? Then you'll love this list. All books are 99c from Dec 26th to Jan first so be sure to save the date. My own book, The Me in Memory, will be on sale during this time too. So if you haven't gotten it yet, I highly suggest you take advantage of this magical time. Find the list of holiday sales here.

I know what you're thinking and yes, my latest book The Me in Memory did make it into this book list thanks to Penny and Dinah's vastly different family views and arguments.

Anyone with siblings understands the frustration of sibling fights. Brothers, sisters, it's all a mess. I know, I've got eight of them. (if any of my brothers and sisters read this, don't worry I'm not talking about you...*wink*) So for those who want to read stories of sibling rivalry, you'll find just what you're looking for here. And guess what? All the books are free!!! Yes, we know the struggle of having sibling drama in your life. Here, have a free book. You deserve it.

Find the list of giveaway books here.

Transform Your Life 365 Degrees

We are all born valuable but sometimes, we struggle to see our worth. We get caught up in the current of life and forget to remember ourselves. But if we stop to listen, we will hear that little voice inside whisper, “You are made for more”. You are made to have fun, to feel love, to find freedom. You are made to become the greatest expression of yourself and to live a life of dreams come true. And you already have the tools you need to get you there. All you need now is to learn how to use them.

Using this daily companion, you will uncover the true you and reach your greatest potential.

This book contains:

Thought-provoking questions that you need to ask yourself, to help you evaluate your life and the direction it is going.Challenges to enable you to grow and stretch beyond your comfort zone.Goal setting to keep you focused and on track to achieve all that you desire.Affirmations to build you up and help you discover your worth.

And many more uplifting wonders to inspire your mind, encourage your growth and nurture your soul.

If you’re tired of holding back, not being where you want to be, or if you know, in your heart, that it’s time to revolutionise your life and live free, then dive into this life-changing motivation handbook and transform your life.

You can purchase the book here.

Can you believe there's even more free books available? This free giveaway is all about magic and mayhem. From YA urban fantasy to wizards and knights, this giveaway has something for everyone. Be sure to take advantage of these giveaways during those long waits between your flights or when the holiday season needs a bit more of an escape.

Find the list of giveaway books here.


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